Inversion Table Negative Side Effects

  • By: Back Health Guide
  • Date: November 17, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

An inversion table is gaining popularity as a non-invasive alternative to back surgery and other costly treatments. While inversion tables facilitate the lengthening of the spine and alleviate pressure on the facet joints, they don’t cure or prevent back pain. In this article, we will discuss inversion table negative side effects


1. Blood Pressure Increases

Inversion table therapy can increase blood pressure, which can be dangerous. The reason is that inversion tables affect the body’s ability to maintain its normal blood pressure range by altering blood flow and lymphatic fluid. These changes may take hours to normalize after use.

The risk of increased blood pressure is higher for people with high blood pressure or heart disease, so they should avoid inverting on an inversion table. If you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems, consult your doctor before using an inversion table.


2. It Puts Significant Pressure On Your Eyeballs

Inversion therapy is believed to help improve blood circulation. However, it also puts pressure on your eyeballs and can cause them to bulge out or even pop out of their sockets. This is known as an orbital blowout fracture, a type of eye injury caused by high-impact trauma. It can lead to severe pain, swelling, and bruising.

There have been cases where the eyes have popped out after a person used an inversion table for an extended period. However, these cases are rare and have not been scientifically proven.


3. More Pressure on Your Lungs

Inversion therapy can cause more pressure on your lungs than average. This is because gravity pulls blood toward your feet and away from your head when you go upside down on an inversion table. This causes blood vessels in your lungs to widen, making fluid leak into them more accessible. This can result in pulmonary edema, which is when fluid builds up in the air sacs of your lungs and blocks oxygen flow. Pulmonary edema can be fatal if left untreated. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, you should avoid using an inversion table until further research has been done on its safety for these individuals.


4. It Can Rupture Your Blood Vessels

When you stand up from an inverted position on a table, there is a risk of rupturing blood vessels in the neck. This is more likely if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or other circulatory problems. If this happens, you may experience severe pain in your neck and head and even pass out from the sudden loss of blood pressure. Stop immediately if you notice any signs of dizziness or weakness after inverting yourself, and get medical attention if necessary.


5. Pressure on Your Inner Ear

Inversion therapy can increase pressure in your inner ear, which can cause blockage of the eustachian tube or other complications. The eustachian line connects your middle ear to the back of your throat so that this pressure change can be uncomfortable or painful. This pressure change can also lead to fluid buildup in your ears when you get off the table, which may require draining by a doctor.

Inversion Table Negative Side Effects
Inversion Table Negative Side Effects


6. Headaches

The increased blood flow from hanging upside down can cause headaches in some people. This is caused by the high blood flow changing the pressure in your head and leading to more pressure on certain parts of your brain and skull than it usually would have. The headache may disappear once you get off the table but may return if you repeat the process later.


7. Decreases Your Heart Rate

This is one of the most common inversion table negative side effects When you go upside down, your heart rate slows down. This is because blood flow is redirected away from the brain and toward other parts of your body. This can cause dizziness and fainting in some people, especially if they haven’t eaten before using the table or have certain medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. You can avoid this problem by making sure to eat something before using an inversion table or wearing compression socks while inverted.


8. Dizziness

The most common side effects of inversion tables are dizziness and nausea. These symptoms may be caused by an increased heart rate, low blood pressure, and lack of oxygen to the brain. Dizziness can also result from the person’s body being upside down for an extended period.

Nausea is another possible side effect that can occur with inversion therapy. This symptom is often related to the rapid change in blood pressure when you first start inverting and the resulting rush of blood to your head. The body may also need time to adjust to the feeling of being upside down after having spent so many years standing up straight.


Wrapping Up

Inversion tables are considered safe equipment that offers many benefits to those who use them. The truth is that they can pose a few risks as well. This procedure must be thoroughly examined to determine if the benefits outweigh potential adverse side effects. After all, there are other viable options to consider for improving your back health – chiropractic care, for instance.

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