Can You Use An Inversions Table When Menstruating

  • By: Back Health Guide
  • Date: October 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 3 min.

You may have heard that you shouldn’t use an inversion table when pregnant or considering pregnancy. However, can you use an inversion table when menstruating? Furthermore, what are the possible benefits of using an inversion table during menstruation? This is a very common question in the fitness community and one that many health experts don’t have an answer to.

There is no direct answer, but yes, women can use an inversion table during menstruation. However, before jumping right in, it is always best to talk to your doctor before you begin an exercise routine. While no serious health risks are associated with using an inversion table during menstruation, there could be a risk of pregnancy.

Inversions During Menstruation

Inversion tables provide the user with a way to invert their body. The user lies on their back and then rotates until they are lying upside down on the inversion tabletop.

While using an inversion table during menstruation may not sound logical, some evidence suggests that it may be beneficial.

Women who do yoga regularly and practice inversion poses are less likely to get premenstrual symptoms than pregnant women. The reason for this could be the practice of inversion poses. Inversions have been implicated as a healing modality for people suffering from several forms of anxiety and depression, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Can You Use An Inversions Table When Menstruating
Can You Use An Inversions Table When Menstruating

Since inversion poses may reduce anxiety and improve mood, it stands to reason that a woman could use an inversion table during menstruation.

On the other hand, some yoga physicians say it is not ideal to do inversions during menstruation. This is because the inversion disrupts the body’s downward-flowing energy and reverses it. Some also say that during menstruation, the energy flows upwards in the body, and inversions will disrupt this flow.

However, these same people also say that there are no known or reported health risks associated with using an inversion table during menstruation.

While it is possible that a woman could use an inversion table during menstruation, it may not be the best approach. For example, consider the possibility that you are menstruating and you do not want to take any supplements or medications. If you are on birth control pills, then there is no real need to worry about the way your body is functioning right now.

If you decide to use an inversion table during menstruation, there are a couple of issues that should be addressed.

First, consider the fact that inversions during menstruation could cause you to conceive. This is not something that you want to happen unless you want to become pregnant. If this is not an option for you, then it will be best if you wait until after your period to use the inversion table.

Second, some women experience cramping pain during menstruation. If you decide to use an inversion table during menstruation, then you should make sure that it is not painful. You may want to ask your doctor about the type of inversion table you are using, or better yet, ask him/her for a recommendation for the perfect inversion table.

Third, you should consider the pain you will feel after using an inversion table during menstruation. Many women say that there are no issues and it is nothing more than discomfort compared to the pain of a typical period.

If you have decided to use an inversion table during menstruation, then make sure that you do so under the guidance of a certified instructor. It is always best to talk to your doctor before jumping into any exercise routine such as this one.

Regardless, there is no reason not to try using an inversion table during menstruation. Many women have found it to be helpful in relieving some of their symptoms.

While there are no serious health risks associated with using an inversion table during menstruation, some women experience cramping pain during menstruation. If you decide to use an inversion table during menstrual, make sure that it is not painful and that you do so under the guidance of a certified instructor.

The bottom line

Yes, it is possible to use an inversion table during menstruation. However, it may not be in your best interests. Make sure that you do so under the guidance of a certified instructor, and consider waiting until after your period to do so.

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