Does Inversion Table Help Lower Back Pain?

  • By: Back Health Guide
  • Date: November 15, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Back pain is a chronicle problem affecting many globally. Though the problem can affect anyone, it is common in older people. Back pain might be acute or shallow, depending on its cause.

For a long time, doctors and therapists kept looking for a back pain solution and instead came up with various options. They discovered different methods of healing or reducing back pain. Some suggest using pain relievers, some practice chiropractic therapy, and others inversion table.

Inversion tables, however, have caused widespread discussions about the method’s capability to heal or lower back pain. It has raised questions than answers, with many asking whether it lowers, let alone heal back pain. To learn about the method, continue reading.

Does Inversion Table Help Lower Back Pain?

Yes, the inversion table helps lower back pain but does not provide a lasting solution to the problem. Moreover, the method is associated with some risks, and it is not fit for everyone. People suffering from heart disease, glaucoma, and high blood pressure are restricted from practicing this pain reliever method.

Does Inversion Table Help Lower Back Pain?

How does the inversion table work?

The inversion table solely depends on gravitational pressure to reduce back pain. It requires the patient to hang upside down. Theoretically, when a person reclines, they take off gravitational pressure of the discs and nerves between the spine bones (vertebrae) by stretching the soft tissues and muscles around the spine, thus making slight traction.

The traction in the vertebrae gives the discs room to reflex and relax, resulting in pain reduction. To affirm that the FDA, paved the way for the sale of the Teeter® Inversion Tables as medical devices.

The Inversion Table Method is Effective in the Following Health Problems.

Who should not use the Inversion Table Method?

When a person remains inverted for a couple of minutes, their heartbeat slows down while their blood pressure increases. Also, the pressure within their eyeballs increases drastically. Therefore, experts restrict people with particular health issues from completely using the inversion table method.

People with:

    • High blood pressure
    • Eye or heart problems
    • Those who are pregnant
    • Acid reflux
    • Lumber instability
    • Neck pain
    • Inguinal or abdominal hernia
    • Knee/hip problems
    • Osteoporosis


Consult your doctor

As mentioned earlier, this method of relieving back pain is not safe for everyone. Therefore, it would be wise to talk to your doctor about your condition before settling into the method. Without knowledge, you might be among the groups mentioned above that are restricted from using the technique, thus the need to communicate to your doctor first.

Attempt it in therapy

Some physical therapy centers use the inversion table to solve back pain problems. Therefore, before deciding to buy one for your home, you can try the method at a therapy center to learn the whole process.

Have someone to watch you

Having a spotter around when using the inversion table for the first time is essential. Reclining for the first time can lead to dizziness, and being alone can be risky, thus the need for someone to be around to watch you.

Take it slow

You should avoid spending much time with your body upside down on your first try. The recommended time is between 20 to 30 seconds. According to Dr. Bodepudi, your body requires time to tune to the inversion therapy. So, you should start with little time and work your way to as much time as you can.

If you fail to experience increased pain or dizziness in the first attempt, you can continue with the method and live to tell the answer to the ”does inversion table lower back pain” question.

However, if you experience waning pain and wooziness, you should immediately stop the process and seek medical attention.

Does Inversion Table Help Lower Back Pain?

Avoid overdoing it

It is recommended to only practice the method twice a day and avoid spending much time in the posture. After familiarizing your body with the table, three minutes at a 60 degrees angle is suggested to be the appropriate spot for inversion.

Lower expectations for instant results

The inversion table method is convenient in reducing but not healing back pain. Therefore, you should not expect your problem to vanish or experience long-term results instantly. Long-term effects might take up to eight weeks of frequent practice.


Research and therapists who have practiced the inversion table method to lower back pain have concluded that it is effective. So, inversion tables lower back pain.

However, the method is not safe for everybody. The groups as mentioned above should altogether avoid the plan and seek other alternatives to solve their problem.

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