Does Inversion Table Decompress Your Vertebrae

  • By: Back Health Guide
  • Date: December 3, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Inversion table offers numerous health benefits when used right. However, most consumers aren’t still clear about what an inversion table can do for you.


Most users ask a common question: Does the inversion table decompress your vertebrae?


The answer to this question is very important because, with proper decompression, you can reduce your backpack. We will today answer this question for you and also justify the answer.


Does the inversion table decompress your vertebrae?

Yes, the inversion table, when used right, can decompress your vertebrae.


Many ask can an inversion table help a compressed disk. How to do so is by opening up of your spine also means that the vertebrae will be decompressed. You will open up your spine when you use it in smaller sessions regularly. However, before you get an inversion table or start using it regularly, it is time to understand how it decompresses your vertebrae and when it is suitable for you, and when it isn’t.


How does the inversion table decompress your vertebrae?

Gravity acts on our body in only one direction. The pressure on the nose and various body organs is downwards. This pressure can certainly compress your spine. While a few treatments are available for decompressing your spine, they are invasive or have side effects.


When you make gravity act precisely the opposite way, decompression can occur.


Thus, if you use an inversion table daily for only a few minutes, you can exert the pressure of gravity on your body in the opposite way leading to decompression.


Tips to follow while using an inversion table to decompress your vertebrae:

Only when you use that inversion table correctly can you expect decompression.

Does Inversion Table Decompress Your Vertebrae
Does Inversion Table Decompress Your Vertebrae


1. Ensure supervision:

Always use the inversion table when someone is supervising you. This will help you if you cannot get into the starting position independently.


2. Limit the tilt:

Depending on your age, you have to control the tilt of the inversion table. If you are between 30 to 45 years old, you can tilt it up to 30®


Anything older than that, and it is a good idea to tilt only as little as 10®


3. Use the safety straps:

Almost all inversion tables come with a safety strap. The job of this hardness is to keep you in place even when you’re inverted. If you do not wear this harness, you might fall off the table and get hurt.



4. Limit the sessions:

Inversion tables can certainly benefit decompressing your spine. However, inversion tables show results only in the medium to long term.


The primary reason for this is that you have to use it only for up to a couple of minutes daily. The maximum you can use it is five minutes twice a day.


Anything more than that, and the pressure on your body can increase beyond a comfortable level.


What are the other benefits of using inversion tables?

An inversion table can decompress your vertebrae. There is no doubt about the same. However, it offers quite a few other benefits.



1. Lowers joint pain:

The decompression effect of the inversion table is not just limited to your vertebrae. The same is true for your joint. Any reduction in pressure on the joints can reduce joint pain.


Most health professionals will only prescribe you painkillers for joint pain. However, if you go the natural way, you will not have to worry about taking painkillers in the same amount. This will help you reduce pain and avoid the side effects.



2. Aids blood circulation:

The inversion table increases blood circulation in your body towards the brain. Similarly, since your upper body is downwards, blood flow to your heart also increases. Traditionally, the upper part of your body experiences lesser blood circulation because of gravity.


When you use an inversion table, you increase the blood circulation in the upper part of the body, which traditionally experiences slower blood circulation. The benefit of increased blood circulation is:


• More nutrient flow

• Higher energy levels

• Better organ functioning


3. Helps you might stress:

Another benefit of better blood circulation is that it improves your hormonal levels. Consequently, the stress hormones in your body are reduced. It means you won’t experience the same symptoms of stress with the same severity.


Advantages of decompression of spine using inversion table:

Decompression of the spine can be done using various techniques. However, using the inversion table certainly offers a few advantages which other techniques do not provide like:


• Non-invasive treatment:

Most other techniques which can decompress your spine are invasive. Chances are you might be administered anesthesia as well. This certainly poses quite a few risks. On the other hand, the inversion table provides non-invasive treatment for the same.


• Lack of recovery time:

In most techniques, you must wait for your body to recover before commencing your normal schedule. While using an inversion table, you can immediately resume your routine.


• Suitable for everyone:

The inversion table is suitable for you as long as you do not suffer from diabetes or blood pressure. Irrespective of your age, you can use the inversion table. The versatility is another advantage of the same.


• No need for medication:

Whether you use medicines or opt for surgery, you will have to rely on medicines in both cases. Using an inversion table to decompress your spine ensures no reliance on medicines.


• Numerous other benefits:

Going for an invasive surgery can lead to a lot of side effects. There are hardly any positives of the same.


On the other hand, using an inversion table not only decompresses your vertebrae but also provides numerous other benefits highlighted above.


Thus, these benefits will certainly convince you if you’re in two minds about using the inversion table to decompress your vertebrae.




How long is too long to hang upside down in an inversion table?

You should start using the inversion table twice daily for only a few minutes. At the most, you can invert yourself for five minutes a day.



When not to use an inversion table?

You shouldn’t use the inversion table if you suffer from blood pressure, blood circulation problems, retinal detachments, or glaucoma. In case of doubt, it is best to speak with your doctor before using the inversion table.




So, yes inversion table can decompress your vertebrae. Apart from that, it can offer you numerous other advantages. If you’re suffering from compressed vertebrae, an inversion table is the best way to solve the problem.

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