Can A Chiropractor Help With Dizziness

  • By: Back Health Guide
  • Date: February 5, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Yes, a chiropractor can help with dizziness. Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, which plays an important role in controlling balance and coordination. By focusing on spinal alignment and improving joint mobility, a chiropractor can help to reduce dizziness caused by poor posture and misaligned vertebrae.

In addition, a chiropractor may recommend lifestyle changes such as improved diet, exercise, and stress reduction to help manage dizziness. If lifestyle modifications are not enough to reduce symptoms of dizziness a chiropractor may also use manual manipulation techniques such as soft-tissue massage or gentle joint manipulations to improve overall function.


What Is Vertigo And Can A Chiropractor Help With Vertigo?


Vertigo is a type of dizziness that can cause a person to feel off balance, lightheaded and nauseous. It is caused by irregularities in the inner ear, and it can be triggered by sudden head movements or changes in position.

The symptoms of vertigo are often treated with medication, but some people turn to chiropractic care for relief. A chiropractor may be able to help with vertigo by identifying misalignments in the spine and neck that could be affecting the inner ear.

They may use manual adjustments, massage therapy, and other treatments to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and restore balance. With proper treatment, many people can find relief from their vertigo symptoms.


Causes and symptoms of vertigo


Vertigo is a common condition that causes dizziness and a sensation of spinning. Symptoms of vertigo may include nausea, vomiting, sweating, and a feeling of imbalance or loss of coordination.

Vertigo may also cause difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks. It is most commonly caused by an issue with the vestibular system in the inner ear, such as ear infections or spinal problems. The vestibular system helps to maintain balance and equilibrium so when something goes wrong it can cause a person to suffer from vertigo.

Treatment for vertigo can involve medications to reduce symptoms or physical therapy to improve balance and stability. In some cases, surgery may be necessary if the problem is caused by an underlying medical condition. Vertigo is very common and affects millions of people every year so if you’re suffering from vertigo don’t hesitate to contact a Chiropractor.


Causes of Peripheral Vertigo


Peripheral vertigo is caused by a problem in the inner ear, which controls our balance. The most common cause of peripheral vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which is caused by debris that has become lodged in the inner ear canals and disrupts the normal functioning of the inner ear.

Other causes of peripheral vertigo include vestibular migraine, Meniere’s disease, and labyrinthitis. Vestibular migraine causes dizziness, lightheadedness, and blurred vision. Meniere’s disease is caused by increased pressure in the inner ear due to abnormal production and accumulation of fluid. Labyrinthitis is an infection or inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve which connects the brain to the inner ear.


Causes of Central Vertigo


Central vertigo is a condition that affects the central nervous system and can cause dizziness, confusion, and even nausea. It can be caused by a variety of different things, such as strokes, multiple sclerosis, tumors on the brainstem or cerebellum, certain medications, or head trauma.

Strokes are the most common cause of central vertigo due to a disruption in blood flow to the brainstem or cerebellum.

Multiple sclerosis is another common cause and it involves damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brainstem. Tumors on the brainstem or cerebellum can also lead to vertigo as they disrupt normal functioning of those parts of the brain. Certain medications can have side effects that include vertigo as well.


Traditional Care for Vertigo and Dizziness


Vertigo and dizziness can be debilitating conditions that can interfere with daily activities. Traditional care for vertigo and dizziness usually involves performing certain maneuvers that are intended to address the cause of the vertigo or dizziness.

Can A Chiropractor Help With Dizziness
Can A Chiropractor Help With Dizziness

One such maneuver is the Epley maneuver which is used to treat dizziness caused by buildup of particles in the inner ear. This maneuver works by repositioning these particles so they do not disrupt inner ear balance.

Other traditional treatments for vertigo and dizziness may include medications, lifestyle changes, exercises and other physical therapies. Additionally, depending on the cause of the vertigo or dizziness, a doctor may suggest additional tests, referrals to specialists or further treatments. It is important to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor before attempting any type of treatment for vertigo and dizziness.


Treatment for Vertigo


Vertigo is a condition that causes dizziness and a feeling of imbalance. It can be extremely uncomfortable and even debilitating. Although it can be difficult to treat, many people have found relief with chiropractic treatment.

A chiropractor will assess the spine and neck to determine if an adjustment is needed. The focus is usually on the upper neck, as this area needs to be in correct alignment for the vestibular system to function properly.

Through cervical spinal manipulation and other techniques, a chiropractor can adjust the vertebrae in order reduce vertigo symptoms. It’s important to note that there is misinformation about vertigo treatments out there, so it’s best to consult an expert for advice before embarking on any kind of therapy.


3 Ways a Chiropractor Helps Vertigo


Chiropractors are a great source of help for people suffering from vertigo. Vertigo is a dizzying sensation that can lead to nausea, balance problems, and headaches. Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for vertigo. Here are three ways a chiropractor can help:


1. Spinal manipulation and adjustments can help restore normal balance in the body by improving the alignment of the spine and neck. This helps reduce vertigo symptoms caused by misalignment and pressure on nerves in the neck and spine.


2. Chiropractors also use manual therapies such as massage, stretching, and traction to release tension in muscles that can be causing vertigo symptoms.


3. Many chiropractors also use nutritional counseling to address underlying health issues that may be contributing to vert



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